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The Birthday Queen

Happy Birthday to Geneva! She’s been announcing her birthday all week to friends and strangers alike. They obligingly ask how old she is, a question that until today has perplexed her because she was really two but thinking ahead a few days to when she would be...

Getting to Know Her

Geneva, now 16 months, recently took time out of her busy day to answer a few questions for her fans… Q: How do you spend your time these days? Gigi: Eat copious amounts, play, nap, eat moderately, play, nap, eat next to nothing, play, sleep. I like routine. Q:...

A Confession

I’m a little jealous of my own daughter. She has my dream life. As a young girl, I longed for older brothers. My friend Casey had lots of older brothers. So did Lori. Lucky girls. I just had sisters. Older sisters can sometimes be—well—bossy. (Shhh. Don’t...