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This is an old unpublished post that I began writing back in 2011, part of a series of interviews with Gigi (with a grand total of two posts). But now Gigi can speak for herself, so any future interviews will be her actual words, probably lots of them.

Geneva, now 2, recently stood still long enough to answer a few questions…as long as they were all about her.

Q: Geneva, now that you’re fully mobile, where do you like to go these days?

GG: Mostly wherever other people are. I can’t stand being by myself, unless it’s a private moment with a tube of lipstick or a Sharpie.

Q: Are you keeping up with the boys?

GG: Everybody asks me that, but really, they’re doing the following. They’re always curious about what I’ll throw into the toilet or where I’ll stash the credit card I just took out of Mommy’s purse. But [casting a furtive sideways glance], between you and me, they’re all tattletales. Every one of them.

Q: Then this might be a touchy question, but while we’re on the subject of siblings, do you have a favorite?

GG: Oh, without a doubt, it’s Benjamin. He laughs at my jokes, wiggles his ears to amuse me, and doesn’t have to take naps. I just adore an older man, don’t you? The other two boys can be fun too, but they’re a little too needy for my taste. There’s only room for one needy person in this family [pats her hair modestly].

Q: Well, in their defense, they’re only 3 and 5…But anyway, what are your latest achievements?

GG: Climbing onto the barstools at the counter is probably my biggest one. I may try the counter next. And I’m trying to come down steps vertically instead of on my belly. (That rug burn was getting old.) I can say about three hundred words now, but I don’t let on. I just pull one out every once in a while so Mommy doesn’t freak out too much. The other day, I looked up at her and said, in my clearest voice, “Help, please.” Just like that. Mommy squealed and clapped and then she forgot to help me.

Q: How are you handling your emotions these days?

GG: [Raising one eyebrow] I’m handling them just fine, thank you very much. I like to keep everyone on their toes. Sometimes when they tell me no, I don’t bat an eye. Or I might flash my cutest smile and do it anyway. And other times, when I really want to switch it up, I’ll throw myself prostrate on the ground and howl. I save that one for the small stuff, like when Mommy says no more animal crackers. It catches them off guard.

Q: How’s it going with your dad? Do you have him wrapped around your little finger yet?

GG: He has no idea what hit him, but sometimes I catch Mommy eyeing me when I’m snuggling on his lap. I think she’s suspicious of me, so I’m keeping everything on the down-low for now. Saving it for the teen years.

Q: What els—

GG: Snack time! Speak to the hand. Crackers! Juice! What are these?? Some kind of generic Goldfish? Oh, please…

[The interview is clearly over. ]