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Day Nine: Yearning

Are you going to be healthy now? he asked me How can a girl answer a question with so many longings tied up in it The old “normal” Peace Wholeness Rest not tinged with worry Togetherness with no deadline Yes, I smiled, a little too...

Small Things

I wrote this a few days after learning that I had cancer. Now, when the gravity of life weighs too heavy on me Details seem safe. I brush my teeth with care. I even floss. I wash a dirty plate until every speck of egg is gone. My closet is almost tidy again, sweaters...


Spencer, here’s the thing. Sometimes stuff like this happens. Just wanted you to know my perspective on it, in case it turns out it’s useful. And please don’t tell Mom I’m putting this online because it kinda grosses some people out, and...

Running Back vs. Corner

You’re supposed to get tackled by your brother the linebacker. That’s what you expect when you take the handoff and run around Daddy’s block, making a dash for the end zone. But you’re not supposed to be whipped around by your jersey and smash...


Boys fall off their chairs all the time. Mostly they just get back up. But sometimes they fall backwards and hit the corner of a cabinet. After they split their head open, they go to the ER in L.A. and get 4 staples. See how I know? Options include: strapping the boy...


I think of grandmom’s house as Rivendell—quiet home of healing, 8th floor so it’s in the trees, well lit by large windows. Mom’s there for rest, healing, an assisted retreat from the busy boys, and a simpler life for a time. The simplicity is...