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Geneva, now 16 months, recently took time out of her busy day to answer a few questions for her fans…

Q: How do you spend your time these days?

Gigi: Eat copious amounts, play, nap, eat moderately, play, nap, eat next to nothing, play, sleep. I like routine.

Q: How can you sleep with all the noise your brothers must make?

Gigi: I’m used to it. They’ve been in my face ever since I moved in. Frankly, it’s nice to get a little space at naptime. At the end of my nap, at least one of them climbs into my crib to wake me with a resounding, “WAKE UP! IT’S TIME TO PLAY!” So I take my space where I can get it.

Q: What new skills are you mastering these days?

Gigi: Well, I’ve recently stopped calling everyone “Daddy.” (It was bothering Mommy.) Now I call everyone “Mommy” instead…except Daddy. He has a special place in my heart.

I talk all the time—full sentences, with inflection and everything—but there seems to be a language barrier. I get answers that have nothing to do with what I just said. I overheard Mommy and Daddy talking about Benjamin Franklin, and when I tried to chime in about his 13 virtues, they gave me a completely non sequitur response. “Yes, that’s a dog outside, isn’t it?” So now I’m focusing on more solitary pursuits, like teaching myself to read.

Q: Very impressive. How about ambulation? How do you get around?

Gigi: I’m pretty fast on the stairs, but I find walking too pedestrian. I’m sticking with crawling. The boys are forever coaxing me to walk, but I find if I put my lungs to good use and throw in some dramatic gestures, I can usually get what I want with a minimum of effort.

Q: You’re the only one with your own room for now, but I’m guessing there’s some sharing in your future. How do you feel about that?

Gigi: I don’t share. Period. It’s just a boundary I have.

Q: I’ll put this next question delicately. I’ve heard it said that some girls can be a little more emotional than their male counterparts. Would you agree?

Gigi: I’ve certainly seen it with other women, Mommy especially.

Q: Maybe that was a little too delicate. Let me rephrase. Are you more emotional than your brothers?

Gigi: [Clearly distraught.] I can’t help it if I’m the littlest one who gets blamed for everything! And sometimes Daddy says no to me, which crushes my dreams! If only he knew how it hurts my feelings…

Q: Let’s take a break while you gather yourself. Tissue?

Gigi: [Signs “please.” Sticks thumb in mouth, signaling end of interview.]