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February 4 is a date forever etched on our hearts. The best reason is Geneva…one year old today! She celebrated this week with the traditional ear infection all our one-year-olds seem to get, but a few doses of an antibiotic soon returned her to her cheery self....

Going Native

Our friend Banana brings out the inner savage in us, not because she’s violent or anything, but because she accepts masculine warfare as part of the natural order of things…at least here in the land of busy boys. Maybe it’s the influence of her three...


I’m always being asked if it’s any different having a girl. I still don’t know. Babies are…well…babies. Except for diaper changes, they seem sort of unisex. But in older children, some striking differences emerge. The other day I...

Caption Contest: Keys

You never know what a baby is thinking exactly. Maybe nothing. But some moves really make you wonder. And given how much routine stuff there is (sleep, eat, cry, repeat), whenever a definite gesture emerges it’s a proud parenting moment. Anyway, time to fire up...

Girl or No Girl

If The Girl is in the crib, there must be something fun going on in there. What is she doing? Does she have blue or hazel eyes today? Does she want to play with my elephant blanket? Maybe we could make the crib into a fort. But if The Girl is in her bed and I’m...