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“So?? How is life with four?” This is the question we hear the most these days, and it’s often spoken with the eyebrows knit together, indicating concern. Whether for us or the children, we’re not sure, but either way, concern does seem...

Mrs. Multi-tasker

You don’t get much time for yourself when you have a baby girl and three busy boys around the house. Sometimes the only way you can get anything done is to do several things at once. Here she manages to do her hair, rock a screaming baby, and work her abs, all...


A stretch of almost-warm days has whet my appetite for spring, even though I’m a snow lover at heart. During winter I crave snow days, but once the warm weather begins to return, I find myself searching the garden for the telltale leaves of daffodils and tulips....


Girls are different from boys. I know because I’ve been hearing all about it from all who discover our baby is a girl. Even though it’s hard to identify these differences on a baby 3 weeks old, by the time she grows up, the differences will be quite...

Debt, Part II

In the past 4 months our family calendar has been transformed. No longer a record of activities, it is now a record of good deeds—all the meals that have been brought, household help, playdates for the boys, and caregivers for all of us. About 6 weeks ago, my mom said...

Photo Caption Contest 2: Winners

Honorable Mention “Did you change my sleep number?” submitted by Huso Family. (By the way, the reference to “wild hyacinth” was lost on us. What’s that about?) Runner Up “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in...