by busyboysam | Apr 4, 2010 | fun
We kick off spring with a fresh spankin’ new caption contest. The winner gets a half pound of coffee or a package of tea from Baltimore Coffee and Tea. To enter, submit a comment to this post. Deadline is Friday, April 9, at 12:00 noon soon. As soon as we get...
by busyboysam | Apr 2, 2010 | garden
Today was all about preparing the soil. Because Jack’s design was right, we could all pitch in at the same time (12 kids, 6 adults, and one baby), which meant we got a lot done in just a few hours. Then Cindy, our lead gardener, turned us all on to vegetables....
by busyboysam | Mar 31, 2010 | garden
This has salad written all over it. Or at least we hope it does. Friday our friends help us build these 3 beds, fill them with dirt, and plant what we hope will become tastey vegetables. Design ideas courtesy Jack Leonard. (He’s amazing! Check out his work...
by Jennifer | Mar 21, 2010 | architecture
by Jennifer | Mar 12, 2010 | philosophy of boys, the girl
I’m a little jealous of my own daughter. She has my dream life. As a young girl, I longed for older brothers. My friend Casey had lots of older brothers. So did Lori. Lucky girls. I just had sisters. Older sisters can sometimes be—well—bossy. (Shhh. Don’t...
by busyboysam | Feb 18, 2010 | fun
What else can you do when 4-5 feet of snow pile up next to the driveway? The one on the left was almost too heavy to lift. Probably 50-60 pounds and over 7 feet long.
by Jennifer | Feb 14, 2010 | fun
All winter a lone robin has foraged in our yard for the stray berry or seed. It was chubby, and I felt optimistic for it, though I wondered what hardships had prevented its migration south with siblings and cousins. (Illness? Injury? Procrastination?) This week...
by Jennifer | Feb 8, 2010 | chronicle, marriage
Every year we (I) dream of printing and mailing the Anniversary Chronicle near our actual anniversary. But more and more we default to the electronic version. I could pretend we’re going green, or that we were timing the Chronicle to coincide with all of our...
by Jennifer | Feb 6, 2010 | fun
What else can you do when you are snowed in?
by Jennifer | Feb 6, 2010 | fun