by admin | Jul 8, 2010 | fun
Some Busy Boy readers have been anxious to see progress photos on the treehouse. This slideshow demonstrates the process over the last 30 months.
by admin | Jul 4, 2010 | fun
Another trip to NYC, this time 10 photos. The photo with the most votes on this blog wins a prize for the photographer. Vote for your favorite. Only one vote per person, please. One: Corner Office Two: Rotunda Three: Ceiling Four: Guggenheim Sunrise Five: Daddy Camera...
by Jennifer | Jul 1, 2010 | dates
July 1. Beach. Nerves. Family. Sunset dinner. High tide. Nerves. Will you? Yes. He remembered the date and I didn’t, so the flowers were a genuine, sweet surprise. Four red roses, two pink. One for each of us, and a card to thank me for yes and six. Yes all over...
by busyboysam | Jun 25, 2010 | fun
Congratulations to Snazzy Hippo for winning the photo caption contest. She got a pound of coffee from Baltimore Coffee and Tea. Yummy yumsters. Congratulations also to “Anonymous” for their timely, winning entry: For everything there is a season… A time to...
by Jennifer | Jun 14, 2010 | the girl
Geneva, now 16 months, recently took time out of her busy day to answer a few questions for her fans… Q: How do you spend your time these days? Gigi: Eat copious amounts, play, nap, eat moderately, play, nap, eat next to nothing, play, sleep. I like routine. Q:...
by Jennifer | May 9, 2010 | fun, philosophy of boys
He doesn’t have to say a word, and yet strangers often approach him to strike up conversations. (If he’s in the mood, he obliges.) We’ve met many nice people this way. He talked early and has never stopped, except to sing. He uses spoken language...
by Jennifer | May 3, 2010 | a mom's life
Recently I went away for a weekend with some old friends. We did the usual girl things (ate well, shopped a little, talked a lot) and discovered something about ourselves: we all struggled with staying up later than we—and our husbands—thought we should. Any mom knows...
by busyboysam | Apr 28, 2010 | fun
If you don’t have a bucket and pulley, do you really have a treehouse? But how to do it? We need a plan. This is not really for kids to swing on or for carrying large loads, but we’re talking boys here, so anything’s possible. What could support such...
by busyboysam | Apr 21, 2010 | garden