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The Birthday Queen

Happy Birthday to Geneva! She’s been announcing her birthday all week to friends and strangers alike. They obligingly ask how old she is, a question that until today has perplexed her because she was really two but thinking ahead a few days to when she would be...

The School Desk

  I still have bumps in my arms from where they hit the wooden desks in elementary school. Not this kid.

China Presentation

Notice what Geneva is doing in the bottom right corner while the boys give their presentation to our homeschool...


I think he’s starting to get the hang of it.  ...

Chronicle 2012

The Family Dad renaissance man Business owner, getting certified as a professional coach, Apple fan, lifelong learner, treehouse builder Mom teacher by day, worker bee by night Experimental cook, divergent thinker, idea connector, hospitality engine. Life = 50%...

Rules of the Table

Now that we have a young extrovert in the family, you are invited to eat with us. In case you happen to drop in, you should know that we run a tight but leaky ship. Here are a few rules to keep in mind: Don’t touch your brother. Or his food, his plate, silverware,...

Happy Thanksliving

If you have kids, it’s because you have decided to give your life away for the sake of someone else. Your life for theirs. The reason you can lay your life down is that someone else did the same for you. Seeing your own daily dying as a privilege is...

First Composition

In his first composition, TJ delights in the discovery of the hemiola. httpvh://