by Jennifer | Dec 5, 2010 | a mom's life, books, education
I used to read poetry curled up in a comfy chair, sipping tea, just Walt Whitman and me. Now I read it in the dining room on my laptop, while Ken fixes dinner and the boys watch football and sound barbaric yawps and Geneva clomps around in my shoes and drops her bread...
by Jennifer | May 3, 2010 | a mom's life
Recently I went away for a weekend with some old friends. We did the usual girl things (ate well, shopped a little, talked a lot) and discovered something about ourselves: we all struggled with staying up later than we—and our husbands—thought we should. Any mom knows...
by busyboysam | Feb 9, 2009 | a dad's life, a mom's life, hospital, marriage
Reuniting is very emotional. Whatever is inside comes out in unexpected ways. This was one of the high points. The low points didn’t get captured on camera. They are almost exactly like what you are imagining. Mom & Boys Hard night, wishes she could have...
by admin | Dec 6, 2008 | a dad's life, a mom's life, hospital, marriage
After several days without seeing Mommy, the busy boys came for a little visit to the hospital. “I really miss them,” she had said, almost with tears, so I had to bring them. It was 28 degrees and dark. TJ had stopped throwing up so only had a runny nose....