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The Humpty Dumpty Tree

All week the boys had been asking to put up the Christmas tree, and Saturday was the day. A day full of promise—idyllic family memories to be made, stories of ornaments from years gone by, our favorite carols playing. Back in 2006, we decided to switch to a smaller...

Song of Myself

I used to read poetry curled up in a comfy chair, sipping tea, just Walt Whitman and me. Now I read it in the dining room on my laptop, while Ken fixes dinner and the boys watch football and sound barbaric yawps and Geneva clomps around in my shoes and drops her bread...

Fourteen Years Ago

July 1. Beach. Nerves. Family. Sunset dinner. High tide. Nerves. Will you? Yes. He remembered the date and I didn’t, so the flowers were a genuine, sweet surprise. Four red roses, two pink. One for each of us, and a card to thank me for yes and six. Yes all over...

Getting to Know Her

Geneva, now 16 months, recently took time out of her busy day to answer a few questions for her fans… Q: How do you spend your time these days? Gigi: Eat copious amounts, play, nap, eat moderately, play, nap, eat next to nothing, play, sleep. I like routine. Q:...