by Jennifer | Feb 11, 2015 | a mom's life, poems
For Tennyson, who says it isn’t a real poem unless it rhymes. There was one a 9-year-old kid Whose stomach decided to rid Itself of its contents Under the pretense Of denying itself, so it did. There once was a boy fair and jolly Who snuck a lick of his...
by Jennifer | Feb 7, 2015 | a mom's life, poems
Three days in to the stomach virus in our house And I am checking every twinge Was that nausea I feel? What was that gurgling in my intestines? Something sinister? Heaven help the child who complains of anything abdominal; It means quarantine for sure. And constant...
by Jennifer | Jan 17, 2015 | 31 days of creativity, the girl
This is an old unpublished post that I began writing back in 2011, part of a series of interviews with Gigi (with a grand total of two posts). But now Gigi can speak for herself, so any future interviews will be her actual words, probably lots of them. Geneva, now 2,...
by Jennifer | Jan 16, 2015 | 31 days of creativity
My Day 16 writing was the About Us page for our long-neglected blog…
by Jennifer | Jan 15, 2015 | 31 days of creativity, poems
I used to dream that I showed up at school wearing only my underwear. That I missed the bus and couldn’t find the school. That I never began the research paper we were supposed to be writing all semester. Now I dream that I’ve forgotten my son’s camp...