by Jennifer | Feb 4, 2010 | fun, the girl
February 4 is a date forever etched on our hearts. The best reason is Geneva…one year old today! She celebrated this week with the traditional ear infection all our one-year-olds seem to get, but a few doses of an antibiotic soon returned her to her cheery self....
by busyboysam | Dec 19, 2009 | fun
When it snows like this, we are all the same age. This one. We used to have two cars. Now we have snow holders so the adults have a chance in the snowball fight. Which takes longer, bundling up the kids, or shoveling the walk? Yes, it’s still snowing. Maybe by...
by busyboysam | Nov 22, 2009 | education
Celebration comes with the end of the unit on the Middle Ages. You don’t have to be studying it at the moment to feel the relief—finally the end of a dark time. The games on the lawn. Stand and deliver. Nothing like a drama to cap off a thousand years. Ah the...
by Jennifer | Nov 14, 2009 | fun, philosophy of boys
Fall is the perfect season for boys. First, there’s a natural cushion of leaves blanketing much of the yard, so if anyone falls off the treehouse, the chance of broken bones is slightly diminished. Or so I like to tell myself. Second, it’s soccer season,...
by Jennifer | Nov 13, 2009 | fun
by Jennifer | Nov 7, 2009 | fun, recipes
I don’t know what came over me. Chalk it up to dreary weather and a failed attempt to teach long division (he gets it: I don’t). And I’m trying to clean out the pantry because (a) it needs it and (b) we’re trying to be thrifty because all those...
by busyboysam | Nov 1, 2009 | fun
by busyboysam | Sep 29, 2009 | philosophy of boys, the girl
Our friend Banana brings out the inner savage in us, not because she’s violent or anything, but because she accepts masculine warfare as part of the natural order of things…at least here in the land of busy boys. Maybe it’s the influence of her three...
by busyboysam | Sep 29, 2009 | education
You’ve heard grown-ups use the term, but it doesn’t mean very much. Until… Why do they get to go in a big bus and we have to stay home? Are they going on a field trip? What’s in that big backpack? Is their school like an amusement park? Why...
by Jennifer | Aug 31, 2009 | fun, philosophy of boys, the girl
I’m always being asked if it’s any different having a girl. I still don’t know. Babies are…well…babies. Except for diaper changes, they seem sort of unisex. But in older children, some striking differences emerge. The other day I...