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Boys fall off their chairs all the time. Mostly they just get back up. But sometimes they fall backwards and hit the corner of a cabinet. After they split their head open, they go to the ER in L.A. and get 4 staples. See how I know? Options include: strapping the boy...

Last Day Home with Snazzy Hippo

It’s been about 4 months, and the last day came and went the fastest of them all. She has certainly snazzed up life for all of us. They are just getting to know one another, but GG brings out her motherly side. She taught him many things. Was this one of them?...


A stretch of almost-warm days has whet my appetite for spring, even though I’m a snow lover at heart. During winter I crave snow days, but once the warm weather begins to return, I find myself searching the garden for the telltale leaves of daffodils and tulips....

Anniversary Chronicle 2009

Every year we write an anniversary chronicle. We do this in January because we are not responsible or organized enough to write a Christmas letter like normal people. And the more kids we have, the later in the year we send it out. This year it’s almost Spring,...


Girls are different from boys. I know because I’ve been hearing all about it from all who discover our baby is a girl. Even though it’s hard to identify these differences on a baby 3 weeks old, by the time she grows up, the differences will be quite...

Debt, Part II

In the past 4 months our family calendar has been transformed. No longer a record of activities, it is now a record of good deeds—all the meals that have been brought, household help, playdates for the boys, and caregivers for all of us. About 6 weeks ago, my mom said...

Photo Caption Contest 2: Winners

Honorable Mention “Did you change my sleep number?” submitted by Huso Family. (By the way, the reference to “wild hyacinth” was lost on us. What’s that about?) Runner Up “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in...

Photo Caption Contest: 2 Babies

It was GG’s first time to meet Ian, born 6 days before her. Already they are pals, but what exactly are they saying to one another? You get to decide as you submit an entry for this photo caption contest (click the icon above to post your entry as a comment...


SP (20 months) can say “Gigi,” which sounds a lot like she-she, but TJ (age 3) is having a bit of trouble with “Geneva.” The V is tripping him up, so BK (age 6), ever the teacher, decided to coach him. “TJ, can you say...