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The Jesus I Never Knew

The other day I noticed Spencer happily following TJ around the yard for several minutes. Curious, I asked what they were doing. “I’m Jesus,” TJ explained, “and Spencer’s my slave.” Hmmm. “I don’t think Jesus had...


He turned 2. It happened all at once. One day he was bumping around the house, going with the flow, looking up with a cute grin, happy to be alive. The next day he stood up tall and started pronouncing our words and deciding that he would try out “no” for...

Daddy’s Shoes

They are virtually irresistible. For one thing, they’re huge. Clown-like proportions…silly big really. And they seem so important. You don’t wear shoes like this unless you’re in charge. And so the boy simply has to try them on and walk around...

Not Reading

I have tried 12 times to finish the Solon chapter of Plutarch’s Greek Lives. I shouldn’t have even started the first time, an act of sheer optimism to pick up the book and lay back in my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I realized the audacity. I...

Girl or No Girl

If The Girl is in the crib, there must be something fun going on in there. What is she doing? Does she have blue or hazel eyes today? Does she want to play with my elephant blanket? Maybe we could make the crib into a fort. But if The Girl is in her bed and I’m...


“So?? How is life with four?” This is the question we hear the most these days, and it’s often spoken with the eyebrows knit together, indicating concern. Whether for us or the children, we’re not sure, but either way, concern does seem...

First Self Portrait

Art days with Mary are fun. She usually has some basic skill or art concept she’s trying to teach, but it’s never forced, always comes naturally in the play. Today was the first self portrait. I’ve been waiting for this for over a year. The...

Ramping Up the Treehouse

I always imagined a ladder, or some stairs. It never occurred to me to consider the alternatives. That’s why we have Jack and Jerry helping. It’s so much better when we put our heads together. They suggested a ramp. The little kids can just walk right up...

Mrs. Multi-tasker

You don’t get much time for yourself when you have a baby girl and three busy boys around the house. Sometimes the only way you can get anything done is to do several things at once. Here she manages to do her hair, rock a screaming baby, and work her abs, all...

NYC Photo Contest

Three of us went to NYC for the day and each took a camera. We decided it would be fun to have a photo contest. Mommy was the judge in 3 categories: fun, artistic, and postcard (something suitable to be printed on a postcard). You get to judge—which photo is the...