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Mrs. Multi-tasker

You don’t get much time for yourself when you have a baby girl and three busy boys around the house. Sometimes the only way you can get anything done is to do several things at once. Here she manages to do her hair, rock a screaming baby, and work her abs, all...

NYC Photo Contest

Three of us went to NYC for the day and each took a camera. We decided it would be fun to have a photo contest. Mommy was the judge in 3 categories: fun, artistic, and postcard (something suitable to be printed on a postcard). You get to judge—which photo is the...

Last Day Home with Snazzy Hippo

It’s been about 4 months, and the last day came and went the fastest of them all. She has certainly snazzed up life for all of us. They are just getting to know one another, but GG brings out her motherly side. She taught him many things. Was this one of them?...


A stretch of almost-warm days has whet my appetite for spring, even though I’m a snow lover at heart. During winter I crave snow days, but once the warm weather begins to return, I find myself searching the garden for the telltale leaves of daffodils and tulips....

Photo Caption Contest 2: Winners

Honorable Mention “Did you change my sleep number?” submitted by Huso Family. (By the way, the reference to “wild hyacinth” was lost on us. What’s that about?) Runner Up “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in...