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Treehouse Progress

It’s been a challenge to build this treehouse, since we have no real skills to rely on. Every decision seems like a laborious path through a maze of possibilities and potential mishaps. Nonetheless, progress is being made. Nothing is straight—it’s the...

Living Under the Trees

The Message “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:20 The Response The...

The Jesus I Never Knew

The other day I noticed Spencer happily following TJ around the yard for several minutes. Curious, I asked what they were doing. “I’m Jesus,” TJ explained, “and Spencer’s my slave.” Hmmm. “I don’t think Jesus had...


“So?? How is life with four?” This is the question we hear the most these days, and it’s often spoken with the eyebrows knit together, indicating concern. Whether for us or the children, we’re not sure, but either way, concern does seem...

First Self Portrait

Art days with Mary are fun. She usually has some basic skill or art concept she’s trying to teach, but it’s never forced, always comes naturally in the play. Today was the first self portrait. I’ve been waiting for this for over a year. The...

Ramping Up the Treehouse

I always imagined a ladder, or some stairs. It never occurred to me to consider the alternatives. That’s why we have Jack and Jerry helping. It’s so much better when we put our heads together. They suggested a ramp. The little kids can just walk right up...