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Nostalgia (or Spam, Spam, Bacon, and Spam)

I don’t know what came over me. Chalk it up to dreary weather and a failed attempt to teach long division (he gets it: I don’t). And I’m trying to clean out the pantry because (a) it needs it and (b) we’re trying to be thrifty because all those...


I’m always being asked if it’s any different having a girl. I still don’t know. Babies are…well…babies. Except for diaper changes, they seem sort of unisex. But in older children, some striking differences emerge. The other day I...

Caption Contest: Keys

You never know what a baby is thinking exactly. Maybe nothing. But some moves really make you wonder. And given how much routine stuff there is (sleep, eat, cry, repeat), whenever a definite gesture emerges it’s a proud parenting moment. Anyway, time to fire up...

Tut tut, looks like rain

Ours is not a violent household, but sometimes I wonder… This afternoon the boys went outside with their umbrellas during a rain shower. They marched, Christopher-Robin style, for exactly 30 seconds. Then they began chasing one another across the lawn, swinging...