by Jennifer | Feb 6, 2010 | fun
What else can you do when you are snowed in?
by Jennifer | Feb 6, 2010 | fun
by Jennifer | Feb 4, 2010 | fun, the girl
February 4 is a date forever etched on our hearts. The best reason is Geneva…one year old today! She celebrated this week with the traditional ear infection all our one-year-olds seem to get, but a few doses of an antibiotic soon returned her to her cheery self....
by busyboysam | Dec 19, 2009 | fun
When it snows like this, we are all the same age. This one. We used to have two cars. Now we have snow holders so the adults have a chance in the snowball fight. Which takes longer, bundling up the kids, or shoveling the walk? Yes, it’s still snowing. Maybe by...
by Jennifer | Nov 14, 2009 | fun, philosophy of boys
Fall is the perfect season for boys. First, there’s a natural cushion of leaves blanketing much of the yard, so if anyone falls off the treehouse, the chance of broken bones is slightly diminished. Or so I like to tell myself. Second, it’s soccer season,...
by Jennifer | Nov 13, 2009 | fun