by busyboysam | Jun 25, 2010 | fun
Congratulations to Snazzy Hippo for winning the photo caption contest. She got a pound of coffee from Baltimore Coffee and Tea. Yummy yumsters. Congratulations also to “Anonymous” for their timely, winning entry: For everything there is a season… A time to...
by Jennifer | May 9, 2010 | fun, philosophy of boys
He doesn’t have to say a word, and yet strangers often approach him to strike up conversations. (If he’s in the mood, he obliges.) We’ve met many nice people this way. He talked early and has never stopped, except to sing. He uses spoken language...
by busyboysam | Apr 28, 2010 | fun
If you don’t have a bucket and pulley, do you really have a treehouse? But how to do it? We need a plan. This is not really for kids to swing on or for carrying large loads, but we’re talking boys here, so anything’s possible. What could support such...
by busyboysam | Apr 4, 2010 | fun
We kick off spring with a fresh spankin’ new caption contest. The winner gets a half pound of coffee or a package of tea from Baltimore Coffee and Tea. To enter, submit a comment to this post. Deadline is Friday, April 9, at 12:00 noon soon. As soon as we get...
by busyboysam | Feb 18, 2010 | fun
What else can you do when 4-5 feet of snow pile up next to the driveway? The one on the left was almost too heavy to lift. Probably 50-60 pounds and over 7 feet long.
by Jennifer | Feb 14, 2010 | fun
All winter a lone robin has foraged in our yard for the stray berry or seed. It was chubby, and I felt optimistic for it, though I wondered what hardships had prevented its migration south with siblings and cousins. (Illness? Injury? Procrastination?) This week...