by Jennifer | Jan 5, 2015 | 31 days of creativity, poems
tonight I read a poem and thought it was beautiful and had so much heart and then I learned the author was a man and I was shocked and I knew I had read the voice as belonging to a woman and it somehow made a difference though I’m not sure why and I signed up for his...
by Jennifer | Jan 2, 2015 | 31 days of creativity
On New Year’s Day we played a rousing game of Sardines as a family, the game where someone hides and everyone else finds them and hides with them. It brought me face to face with the state of every closet in my house, and with my own messiness. Again. It’s...
by Jennifer | Feb 4, 2012 | fun
BK’s team, Rock ‘n’ Rollbots did well in the regional qualifying round and made it to the Maryland State competition on January 28 at UMBC. Here is some video from the big competition. Out of 74 teams, they took 3rd...
by Jennifer | Feb 4, 2012 | the girl
Happy Birthday to Geneva! She’s been announcing her birthday all week to friends and strangers alike. They obligingly ask how old she is, a question that until today has perplexed her because she was really two but thinking ahead a few days to when she would be...
by Jennifer | Dec 24, 2011 | chronicle
The Family Dad renaissance man Business owner, getting certified as a professional coach, Apple fan, lifelong learner, treehouse builder Mom teacher by day, worker bee by night Experimental cook, divergent thinker, idea connector, hospitality engine. Life = 50%...