by Jennifer | Nov 20, 2016 | poems
Yesterday as we drove to soccerThe trees waved their lovely limbsEnrobed in the muted colors of late fall.Today as we came down the roadThe trees shivered, their arms naked.
by Jennifer | Jan 24, 2016 | 31 days of creativity, fun, hospital, marriage
Claustrophobia On Friday I had a post-treatment scan to find out where the radioactive iodine had gone in my body. My friend Stephen greeted me and waved me into a room with a big machine. I’ve never had any kind of scan before, so I was interested to see the machine,...
by Jennifer | Jan 23, 2016 | 31 days of creativity, marriage, pain, poems
Are you going to be healthy now? he asked me How can a girl answer a question with so many longings tied up in it The old “normal” Peace Wholeness Rest not tinged with worry Togetherness with no deadline Yes, I smiled, a little too...
by Jennifer | Jan 21, 2016 | 31 days of creativity, a mom's life, fun
by Jennifer | Jan 20, 2016 | 31 days of creativity, dates, marriage, poems
The romantic comedy always ends when the couple finally gets together. But anyone who’s been married for even a month knows those fledgling days aren’t a true harbinger of what’s to come. When we were first married, the stark contrast between the...