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SP (20 months) can say “Gigi,” which sounds a lot like she-she, but TJ (age 3) is having a bit of trouble with “Geneva.” The V is tripping him up, so BK (age 6), ever the teacher, decided to coach him. “TJ, can you say...

Debt, Part I

While Ken has been totaling up our medical expenses, I’ve been counting debt of a different kind. The night Geneva was born, four doctors attended to me, along with countless nurses and other medical support personnel. Several of them visited me in the SICU, but...

My Favorite Day

February 15, the day my sweetheart was born. He spent his birthday taking me to church for the first time since Thanksgiving. (I petered out halfway through the service.) Then he fixed lunch for everyone, drove his mom to the train, did the lunch dishes, and capped...

A pieced-together week

How do I even begin to convey what this week has been like? I still don’t know all the details of the delivery, but every day I learn a few more. Wednesday I discovered that more than a hundred people prayed for us in the wee hours of that harrowing morning....