by Jennifer | May 9, 2010 | fun, philosophy of boys
He doesn’t have to say a word, and yet strangers often approach him to strike up conversations. (If he’s in the mood, he obliges.) We’ve met many nice people this way. He talked early and has never stopped, except to sing. He uses spoken language...
by Jennifer | May 3, 2010 | a mom's life
Recently I went away for a weekend with some old friends. We did the usual girl things (ate well, shopped a little, talked a lot) and discovered something about ourselves: we all struggled with staying up later than we—and our husbands—thought we should. Any mom knows...
by Jennifer | Mar 21, 2010 | architecture
by Jennifer | Mar 12, 2010 | philosophy of boys, the girl
I’m a little jealous of my own daughter. She has my dream life. As a young girl, I longed for older brothers. My friend Casey had lots of older brothers. So did Lori. Lucky girls. I just had sisters. Older sisters can sometimes be—well—bossy. (Shhh. Don’t...
by Jennifer | Feb 14, 2010 | fun
All winter a lone robin has foraged in our yard for the stray berry or seed. It was chubby, and I felt optimistic for it, though I wondered what hardships had prevented its migration south with siblings and cousins. (Illness? Injury? Procrastination?) This week...