- Blood loss major concern: over 60% after first surgery, removal of uterus. After closing her up, re-opened for 2nd surgery required to stop bleeding. Removal of cervix, patch hole in bladder.
- 3 surgeons required: head of Gyn Surgery called in, slightly delayed by snow, doctors took turns holding off bleeding by hand for 50 minutes while waiting.
- 8 units of blood given, more may be needed
- After several hours stabilized enough to go to SICU, monitoring blood for many things including count, minerals, etc.
- Wants to see baby, not possible today.
- 5 weeks early, but 6 lb 8 oz
- Lungs not fully working by themselves, breathing the main concern
- NICU for at least 2 days for monitoring
- Doesn’t like all the wires and tubes, wants to see mommy, not possible today