Turning 2
He turned 2. It happened all at once. One day he was bumping around the house, going with the flow, looking up with a cute grin, happy to be alive. The next day he stood up tall and started pronouncing our words and deciding that he would try out “no” for a while.
No, I will not finish my dinner. Watch me put my fingers in my mouth to show you there are no vacancies.
No, I will not let my brothers take the toys out of my hands and play with them.
No, I will not sit on THAT chair. I fully intend to sit on THIS one.
No, I will not let you change my diaper just because you suspect something. OK, maybe I will, but when we finish with this, I’m going back to my pile of cars and you better not try to stop me.
Two-year-olds can make decisions. They can raise a stink. They can lift a sword to defend their turf.

Defending the Fort
And 2-year-olds have friends. Yesterday when we were talking about friends, and having fun, and playing in the treehouse, he looked up at me and said “Eli” with the sincerity that let us all know that he’s not 1 anymore. He has a life, and he’s going to live it.

Being 2 with Eli
Get used to it, Dad. I’m 2.
Tupcake? Tupcake?