Girls are different from boys. I know because I’ve been hearing all about it from all who discover our baby is a girl. Even though it’s hard to identify these differences on a baby 3 weeks old, by the time she grows up, the differences will be quite evident. I know because the other day my bedroom was taken over by women.

The Women with Babies
I’ve been Mommy’s primary caregiver for a long time, and I think I’ve come a long way…for a husband. But then come along the Super Mommies (SMs) and I’m really put in my place.
Mommy is nursing and SM1 is Mommy-on-the-spot with fresh water. Just because she knew it was time for a drink. Then 15 seconds before the feeding is even over, SM2 brings over the burp cloth like a butler in tails. How did she know? Does the baby have a timer on her back? And then there is the conversation. SM3, while simultaneously sipping tea, contributing to the conversation, and getting her own baby to latch on to her left side, seems to know exactly what she’s thinking, what she’s feeling, what she’s about to say. They are totally in sync. I’m still busy listening for the words, and they have this vibe going, like sensing the temperature in the room, or feeling the humidity level in the air.
How do they do that? What’s going on in here? Isn’t this my room?
I think I’ll go upstairs to check in with the boys. I think they want to wrestle.