How do I even begin to convey what this week has been like? I still don’t know all the details of the delivery, but every day I learn a few more.
Wednesday I discovered that more than a hundred people prayed for us in the wee hours of that harrowing morning. When I awoke surrounded by Ken, my mom, and sisters, I remember feeling guilty that so many people were awoken so early on my account. (I don’t anymore.)
Thursday Ken began to fill in the missing hours for me, and I learned what else had transpired during Geneva’s delivery. My hearing “It’s a girl!” and “The placenta won’t detach—you’ll need a hysterectomy” was only the beginning. And then I went to sleep.
Friday, as the story unfolded, I gained a fuller picture of what this week has been like for Ken and you all. How grateful I am that Mike and Gail and many others had the foresight to call others to pray, and that Mom came to the hospital instead of staying home like I had told her to at 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday.
Saturday I learned that the 100-people estimate is probably far too low. We may never know how many faithful saints prayed for us that morning, but the number is rounding 150.
Sunday…only God knows what I will learn, but every day this week, as more pieces have fallen into place, my gratitude to Him for Geneva’s life, my life, our family, and you all has grown exponentially. Christ is a closer companion, family is dearer, friends are irreplaceable. Like so many of you, I’ve learned that our faithful God answers prayers in mighty ways. It leaves me joy-filled and tear-filled and speechless.