- blood test came back good. released to postpartum unit
- pain is now manageable, but unable to stay seated for long enough to see baby
- likes the new room, says it’s quiet, is hoping to get sleep
- no visitors for now (except immediate family and heavenly beings) so she can rest and recover
- says she wants to sleep
- SICU: describe Jennifer’s room as the “room of peace” and admit liking to come in
- Postpartum: practical and sensitive if talkative
- getting constant care
- wants to meet Mom, not possible yet
- crying about having a girl, still can not believe it
- crying again, either about having a girl or not having a boy (not sure which)
- took a shower, crying in the shower, not sure why, perhaps about the girl
- feeling guilty about thinking about the girl instead of Mom
- feeling guilty about not thinking enough about the girl
- feeling guilty about creating a section on the blog post for Dad
- crying about feeling guilty