Staying “Indefinitely”
Doctor says now that baby is viable he wants to keep J in and see what happens. Not sure what’s up with that. Won’t the baby be viable from here until the due date? That would make for a stay lasting into late Feb (week 37 around 2/18).
Opens in the Back
Have you noticed that hospital gowns don’t actually work? When the nurse hands you a gown they always say the same thing: “it opens in the back.” What they really mean is, “this gown will never actually close.” It’s like it’s engineered to lay flat across your front, and leave your behind open to the elements. They should really call it a blanket, or maybe a towel.
And you have to hate putting that thing on, because as soon as you do, you know that everyone that walks into your room has an interest in getting under there and checking things out. And when they do, they always start the inspection with the same words: “Now, I’m going to just…”
You have to love the “just” part. Their language indicates a casual favor, as if they were handing you a tissue or picking up the umbrella you just dropped. But you soon learn that anytime you hear “just” it really means that there might be a cold metal speculum with levers and a crank that is about to barge inside and stay for tea.