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  • transfusion appears to be working (there is life in the blood)
  • 5th try on inserting new IV worked (using ultrasound), no pic line needed
  • beginning pain management (gimme drugs, gimme more drugs)
  • slept 45 consecutive minutes (you go girl)
  • frustrated by slower recovery than she expected
  • blood test in a few hours will determine if she can transfer to postpartum unit
  • wants to see baby for the first time, not possible yet


  • At 35 weeks is breathing like 33-34 week old, perhaps due to trauma at birth
  • CPAP appears to be helping, all indications are closer to normal when in use
  • Got to hold her for an entire “feeding” (feeding tube bypasses mouth)
  • Expected more holdings today, told not possible.
  • Responds best when being held: breathing gets better, calm, relaxed
  • Doctors say monitoring in NICU required for several more days
  • Wants to see Mommy for the first time, not possible yet