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It hit me yesterday how small your world is when you are on bed rest at the hospital. J asked, “Is there a nurse’s station out there?” and then “Where exactly is the convenience room?”

The convenience room (where patients and family have a refrigerator, microwave, and drinks), is about 8 steps from her door. The nurse’s station might as well be in Tibet from her perspective, as it requires 4 steps past the convenience room and another right turn. I was able to walk the entire high risk unit with TJ in 30 seconds (including a failed attempt to climb into an abandoned wheel chair), and he had a full diaper at the time.

When you are on bedrest, they really mean it. It really brings back memories of previous deliveries: no extra walking around, no bending over, no big hugs, no… We have all the joys of a recent delivery without the baby part.

Not sure exactly how long she will be in the little world, but something tells me it isn’t all happy music and smiling faces on a gentle stream.